Young Patients: Sleep Disorder

Over the last several years there has been a push for quality adult sleep and the significance of healthy rest- CPAP devices, night guards, medical taping, even fancy pillows! A lesser known topic is the importance of healthy sleep in children. It is estimated that 9 out of 10 children suffer from Sleep Disorder Breathing (SBD).

SBD is our body's response to decreased oxygen flow in the nighttime. Young people with nasal blockage use their mouth to breathe which leads to poor air quality and restless sleep. Children who have poor sleep are likely to grind teeth at night, snore or show signs of crowding. Historically, health care providers have ignored these symptoms in adolescents and told families the child 'will grow out of it'.' Now we know these early signs and symptoms can lead to a lifetime of chronic issues.

Treatment for sleep disorder breathing in young people is as simple as a soft removable night guard (the Healthy Start System). With the proper guidance, kids can obtain lip strength, learn the proper placement of their tongue and strengthen nasal breathing. A few small changes now can create a healthier child who is well rested, more likely to follow routines, and have healthier jaws in preparation for braces. If you suspect your child is suffering from sleep disorder breathing contact your dental provider at Forest Family Dentistry.

By: Dr. Amanda Hartman